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A tour to GCC and GDB

15 May 2022

An introductory tour to the GNU Compiler Collection and the GUN Project Debugger.


The term GCC originally means the GNU C Compiler when it was first released by Richard Stallman in 1987. But now it has evolved into a whole GNU Compiler Collection, which supports various programming languages, hardware architectures, and operating systems.

GCC includes the compiler frontend that supports C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Go, and many other languages, and the standard libraries for these languages. It has a complex middle-end that optimizes the generated AST into a register-transfer language for a target architecture, and supports different backend machine code generators.

GCC is a 100% free software from the GNU Operating System project, and is the cornerstone stone of the magnificent world of free software.

In this post we will go over a brief tour of using the C compiler gcc in GCC (we use the lower cased gcc and gdb to indicate the executables installed on your machine), and understanding how the GCC compilers work. We will also introduce the GNU Project Debugger (aka GDB), and explain briefly how a debugger works.

Install gcc and gdb

On Ubuntu, gcc and gdb executables are included in the build-essential package, so to install them, just run sudo apt install build-essential.

The compiler gcc

Prepare a simple C program

Let's have a two source files simple C program to use in our examples.

File: hello.c

#include <stdio.h>

void print_hello() {
    printf("Hello \n");

File: include/hello.h

void print_hello();

File: main.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <hello.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    int dividend, divisor;
    float result;

    dividend = atoi(argv[1]);
    divisor = atoi(argv[2]);
    result = dividend / divisor;

    printf("%d/%d = %f\n", dividend, divisor, result);

    return 0;

The basic usage of gcc

To compile and run our program, just pass the file names to the gcc executable:

gcc -o main main.c hello.c -I./include
./main 4 2

It prints:

4/2 = 2.000000

Internal steps of gcc

Internally, gcc goes over several steps to transform your C source code into the binary program main that the machine can load. It is a multistage process involving several tools in the GCC, and the command gcc you typed works like a wrapper of these tools.

Overall, the compile process of the above simple C program includes preprocessing, compiling, assembling, and linking.


The first step is preprocessing. In this step, gcc uses the C preprocessor (cpp) to expand the marcos and copy the header files to your source code.

We can use gcc to break down the steps, and the -E argument let gcc to only do preprocessing.

gcc -E hello.c > hello.i
# or
cpp hello.c > hello.i

The gcc command is the equivalent of cpp command, as internally gcc just uses cpp to do the work. It is a convention to use the .i and .ii extensions for C or C++ preprocessed source code files, but they are really only expanded C/C++ source code.


gcc compiles the C code into assembly code for the target machine architecture.

gcc -S hello.c
# or
gcc -S hello.i

This command will generate a file hello.s, you can see the assembly code in this file.


Assembly code are just human readable translation of the machine code instructions. The assembler program as is used to assemble it into binary object file.

gcc -c hello.c
# or
gcc -c hello.s
# or
as -o hello.o hello.s

This will generate file hello.o, called an object file.

In this example, our hello.c does not contain a main function, thus cannot run directly. But even if you compile a standalone C program that contains main into an object file, it is still not ready to run.

We can get some hints from the file type of hello.o:

file hello.o

It returns the below information on my machine.

hello.o: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped

We can see that it is an 64-bit ELF file, least-significant byte first (LSB), and relocatable. In the .o object files, memory addresses of functions and variables are remain undefined. We can use the readelf utility to check the symbol tables of the object file. (Also checkout the objdump utility to examine an object file in details.)

readelf --symbols hello.o | grep print_hello

It will print:

    10: 0000000000000000    35 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 print_hello

You can see the Value column of function print_hello and other symbols are all zeros. It is the linker's job to merge the object files together, relocate the functions and variables, and resolve the addresses.


Let's first have our main.c compiled and assembled too:

gcc -c main.c -I./include

Then link the two object files into an executable:

gcc -o main hello.o main.o

There is also a standalone ld program that gcc uses to link the objects together, but using ld directly requires a bunch of extra parameters, you can check the manual for details.

Now if you check the symbol table of the main executable:

readelf --symbols main | grep print_hello

And the result.

    67: 0000000000001207    35 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   16 print_hello

The symbol print_hello has an address.

Other frequently used gcc options

Related environment variables:

The compiler process

With GCC it is relative hard to examine the detailed compiler processes without diving into the source code. GCC now uses very complex manually crafted lexer and parser for performance. For beginners, this GCC Tiny project is a good start to learn about the compiler frontend.

It is also recommended to use the LLVM project to learn the internals of modern compiler. LLVM has well designed compiler frontend API and provides excellent compiler backend implementations, so that you can create a programming language easy and fast.

In this post we only use the LLVM based C compiler clang to demonstrate the intermediate result of lexer and parser:

clang -fsyntax-only -Xclang -dump-tokens hello.c
clang -fsyntax-only -Xclang -ast-dump hello.c

Dynamically linking and loader

Modern programs are mostly dynamically linked, thus when you view the ELF file you generated, not all symbols are resolved statically.

When the program needs to resolve dynamic libraries (libxxx.so), it relies on a loader, on Linux, it is ld-linux.so, (/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 on my machine).

This article explains well how an ELF file is loaded by the operating system, and how the dynamic loader ld-linux.so works.

The debugger gdb

A debugger runs the target program under controlled conditions. It can usually let you set breakpoints, step into/over machine level instructions or high level language statements, examine the variable values, and even modify the instructions or data.

Compile the executable with debugging information

The debugger needs extra information, including the source code mapping, to let you debug on high level languages instead of machine level instructions. To compile the executable and produce debugging information:

gcc -g3 -O0 -o main main.c hello.c -I./include

The option -g3 adds the debugging information of marcos in your code. If you do not have or do not care about debugging marcos, using -g is just fine.

The option -O0 is used to disable any optimization that might cause surprises while debugging.

A tour of gdb commands

Let's debug the executable main:

gdb ./main

A list of frequently used GDB commands:

GDB also supports a text base UI, called TUI mode:

Use gdb in VS Code

Added a section to setup VS Code debugging experience in the post Linux kernel overview.

How a debugger works

Internally, the debugger uses the system call ptrace() to 'control the execution of another process (the "tracee"), and examine and change the tracee's memory and registers'.

Briefly speaking, the debugger:

  1. Call fork() to create a child process;
  2. In the child process, call ptrace() with argument PTRACE_TRACEME. This lets the OS to stop the child process whenever it receives a signal (except SIGKILL), and notify the parent process via wait().
  3. Then the child process uses the exec() system call to load the tracee program. The PTRACE_TRACEME argument causes the child process to send to itself a SIGTRAP whenever an exec() is called, thus the child process stops here, and the parent gets notified.
  4. In the parent process, it can wait on the wait() call in a dead loop, and take actions whenever the child stops. For example it can ptrace() the child process with PTRACE_SINGLESTEP to let the it run one instruction then stop, or use PTRACE_CONT to let the child process continue to run.
  5. The parent process can also use ptrace() to peek and poke the child process. For example it can use PTRACE_POKETEXT to replace the first byte of any instruction with the INT 3 instruction, and let the child program to stop on that instruction. It can also recover the instruction back, then use PTRACE_SETREGS to step back the eip or rip by one, and then restart the child process. This is basically how a breakpoint is implemented.

To understand more details and play with ptrace() in an example, I recommend to read the articles How debugger works by Eli Bendersky.


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